Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Analysis of the Impact of Science on Society - 1263 Words

Analysis of the Impact of Science on Society Science is an amazing wide discipline that encompasses physical, chemical and biological areas. Since time in immemorial, science has been at work. This is because science is the aspect of using technical knowhow to provide solution to problems facing mankind at different times on a day to day basis. In earlier days, man did things without knowing that what he was doing is actually science. However, the scientific processes and activities that happen without knowledge of man continue to be discovered and man is gradually harnessing each aspect of them to meet his needs. This effect has resulted to consequences that are both positive and negative. The science subject is pretty wide and the provisions of this paper cannot permit discussion in its entirety. Therefore, this paper focuses on analysis of the impact of biological science on society. This essay checks on both the positive and negative effects brought by use biological science in s olving problems that face modern man. Impact of Biological Science on Society Biology is wide because it touches on all living things that are either animals or plants. This directly translates that its impacts is far reaching. Health is a fundamental aspect of human beings and man is constantly involved in coming up with methods that are going to maintain his health and counter emerging health challenges. One of the channels he has been using to achieve this is through use of biologicalShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Computer Science on Health Care Medicine1283 Words   |  6 PagesThe Impact of Computer Science on Health Care amp; Medicine Abstract Computer science can be defined as the systematic study of algorithmic processes, their theory, design, analysis, implementation and application. 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Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.01005.x/full This is an article written by Bengtsson, J., Ahnstrà ¶m, J., Weibull, A. C. (2005) about the effects of organic agriculture on biodiversity and abundance. These authors have produced extensive analysis about the various changes and effects of organic agriculture on biological ecosystem

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